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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What You Think

What we think is what we become. It doesn't matter if we live in a world of negativity or if we have never-ending positive thoughts. Whatever those thoughts are will eventually manifest into our daily lives. So, take a serious look around yourself and you will see exactly how you think. If what you find is something enjoyable and brings happiness, then my hat is off to you. You have managed to master a big secret that doesn't always come so easy for others, including myself. I have done just that. I have looked around and didn't like what I saw, so I have been on a mission to change the way I think and feel about things. I have chosen this because I want to bring good things to myself and those around me. I have been on this 'mission' for over six months. A really wonderful thing happened last week. I had been thinking about receiving presents, just to see if this stuff really works. Well, I'll be darned if my niece had put together a present for me and texted me that she had. A couple of days later she brought me a present! It was so cool to have someone just, out of the clear blue, think of me. What she gave me was a picture of my three kids and myself in a frame that says "Family" across the top. It was really amazing because she took the picture off of Facebook and then she printed it. I thought that was such a fun present. I can also attest that learning to change yourself and your thinking does do amazing things. I no longer wake up dreading the day. I actually look forward to the morning. What a great feeling that is. I also feel like there is a true future in front of me versus this empty kind of nothing I had normally felt. I am still at the beginning of learning new and wonderful things but feel very grateful for having found the things I read for making those changes. I thank God, the Universe, the Light for bringing me to a better place of thought and I thank myself for putting in the time for making these changes.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

dog abuse

I just came across a photo of two kids who actually hung a little dog! It was on facebook. That is about the worst way to start a day. The mentality of people and they did this a group effort. It makes me sick sometimes what exists in the world. I cannot imagine how there can be thoughts like these that possess people to do such evil things. I send them prayers that they get exactly what they deserve for that one act alone. I know it is better for me to wish them health, happiness and prosperity but it is just too new to do right now and I will have to have some time away from seeing that. That really upset me. I did repost it because I would like everyone to repost so that someone can actually catch the creeps who did it. They had the nerve to show their faces. So, they apparently have the nerve to suffer the consequences. It just shows how inhumane they are. It also shows how stupid they must be. They will be caught is what I choose to believe and they will suffer whatever consequences they deserve. Proof is in the picture and surely no one could oversight that. How upsetting. I need to move my thoughts elsewhere now. I sure could have did without ever having to see that. Melody

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Puppy Love

I just looked over at my two pekignese and noticed them laying next to each other snuggled up. It was so precious. Their names are Ruby and Riley and they are brother and sister. Riley is a chocolate brown and white. He has big dark brown eyes and his face has a dark brown velvet look to it. His eyes are rather big for the size of his body. He is loving and easy-going. Ruby is a red and white color. She is a bundle of energy and also has eyes too big for her body. She is very funny and not as loving as her brother. She is a more stand-off kind of dog. Upon walking up to either dogs they will roll on their back expecting a belly rub. And, anytime Ruby sees that I have food, she is at my heals expecting her fair share. Lastly, and rather precious, is when Girl, the Akita, is laying around, Ruby and Riley will go over to her and love on her by licking her face and trying to lick in her ears. Girl isn't always up for that, though.
Anyway, what I started out thinking about was the love these two dogs were showing each other when I looked over at them. I just thought if people were more inclined to give to one another in the same way that it would be a wonderful thing. It would make being alive just a little more easier knowing that this simple love is alive. People wouldn't have to have their guards up so much. Playing and running around with each other would be the exercise for the day as it is for Ruby and Riley. Kissing each other just to show the love and rolling around then landing on their back to get a hug. What a day that would be. Once tiring of all this activity, simply picking a spot on the floor to doze off and dream of puppy things. That would be so nice, wouldn't it?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Self Responsibility

You know, we all make choices in life and with those choices come responsibility. And, just because we make a decision about this or that does not mean we can expect everyone around us to participate in those choices. So, it would be my belief that it is imperative to be fully aware of the decisions and the consequences of those decisions, realizing that it is our own and not the responsibility of others to rectify or accommodate those things we opted for. And, when others don't follow what we WANT doesn't make them the bad guy. It only means those choices should be owned by the one who made them. It also doesn't mean they are no longer our friend. It does mean that when making a decision it is imperative to know as best we can the long term ramifications of that decision. We must also know that others have to make their own choices and that we won't always be on board to suffer their poor choices, either. So, when confronted on either account of two sides of the coin, don't allow guilt make you do what you don't want to do. And, we must always remember that our choices are our own responsibilty.

Monday, November 21, 2011


Sometimes when in the throes of some kind of drama, be it relational, financial, work, family, kids, emotional,...we forget the one most important thing. That is to take care of one's self. Because of all that may be happening and our mind might be preoccupied with the subject at hand,...we lose sight of the most important person to us. Our SELF. This is unfortunate because it generates so much negativity into our lives. When we don't place ourself in the number one status, we lose the ability to take care of those around us. How could we if we can't even be good to our own person? Some people think that giving begins with others. That is a great concept, but if our own person isn't intact...that is all it is, a concept. Not a viable one, either. It has too many holes in it to be solid. In my mind the holes take the form of low self esteem, self worth, self love, some lack of some kind. It seems to me it is kind of like trying to 'look' like one is trying to 'be' this giving or whatever type of person. In reality, as the saying goes, ' you can't love someone else until you love yourself ', still stands on all fronts. So, the bottom line is to learn to be good to one's self first. When, even in the midst of life's trials and tribulations, one is able to take care of theirself spiritually, mentally, physically, and financially, then there is something to offer others.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


This is the one thing in life that we all can depend on. From the moment we are born, we are on a never-ending cycle of change. Fortunately, somehow, people manage to deal with it. We do this one of two ways; gracefully or kicking and screaming. Well, really, there are more because of all the variations in between. I have been successful at times and not so graceful other times. Through the years I have learned to change with more ease than when I was younger. I like to think that age has gifted me with some grace, anyway. :) 
As a child I moved a lot and was forced to deal with those changes and they weren't easy. Every time we moved, I had to go to a new school and meet altogether new people. I am certain that prepared me for the future in different ways. However, at the time, I was too young to know that and was kicking and screaming. Well, like any child would. I do know that all things come with pluses and minuses. I grew to believe that it is better to keep a child in one place, if possible. I also can say that those events forced me to adapt and improvise which was and is necessary still to this day. So, honestly, I am grateful for those lessons. To all who are struggling through change right will pass and what doesn't kill you will make you stronger, the saying goes.